
Albert Wollermann Wins Wrongful Death Case

November 17, 2021
January 15, 2020

Chartwell Law’s Tallahassee, Florida office obtained a Final Summary Judgment in a wrongful death case in a matter to defend insureds, William Damron, Michael Wesley Bartlett and Dambar, Inc. d/b/a The Tailgate Sports Bar (“Sports Bar”), located in Savannah, Georgia.

After an initial litigation in 2016, with extensive discovery in Chatham County Superior Court, Chartwell filed a Motion for Final Summary Judgment.  However, to avoid a hearing, plaintiffs filed a Voluntary Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice, and filed a new complaint in state court, compelling additional discovery and re-filing of a new Motion for Summary Judgment, clarifying the absence of liability on all counts.

Chartwell Law partner Albert Wollermann was able to untangle confusing unsupported allegations in a tragic case involving the death of a 56-year-old long-time customer, who had been consuming alcohol for hours on the night of the incident, when he choked as he voluntarily competed to consume a can of SPAM at the client’s bar/restaurant.   Despite immediate response and assistance of the local EMT, he lost consciousness, was hospitalized and passed away three days later. 

Due to a cluttered court docket in Savannah, Georgia the lengthy hearing was delayed until late February 2019, and after repeated contact with the court, was granted in late November 2019.  All appellate deadlines have expired and the Motion for Summary Judgment is final.