Chartwell Cares

Chartwell Law Responds to Building Collapse in Surfside, FL

Chartwell Law Cares

November 17, 2021
June 25, 2021

Our firm has a long history of supporting charities in our local communities. For example, at every meeting of the equity partners, we start with the designation of a charity to receive a donation as a reminder of how fortunate we have been and of our responsibility to others. We are proud of the many people at Chartwell who dedicate time, effort and money to supporting worthwhile causes on a regular and repeated basis.

And when disaster strikes, Chartwell Cares also responds by donating money to help people around our country and around the world.

This week there was a disastrous building collapse in Miami. More than a hundred people are missing and as each hour goes by, the human toll keeps rising. The building was a melting pot of people from different nations, religions and backgrounds. It is feared that hundreds of families will be impacted, and organizations are already coordinating relief efforts. Miami is one of Chartwell’s critical hubs and we have a responsibility as citizens of the community to help in these efforts.

The partners have therefore made a significant donation to the Surfside Building Collapse Emergency Fund being administered by the Jewish Federation of Greater Miami. They have pledged that 100% of donated dollars will go to direct relief, without any administrative expenses charged to the fund.

If anyone is interested in donating, here’s the link:

Other charities are conducting drives for relief funds. Just google Surfside Building Collapse Relief Funds and if you wish to, you can donate through a number of sites.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the rescuers struggling to find survivors, the victims, and their families.